path: root/content/
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Diffstat (limited to 'content/')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/content/ b/content/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a0ac4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+title = "My Résumé"
+page_template = "page.html"
+Johnny Coder
+------------------- ----------------------------
+1 MyAddress
+MyTown 1000 @twitter_handle
+MyCountry 1800 my-phone-nr
+------------------- ----------------------------
+2010-2014 (expected)
+: **PhD, Computer Science**; Awesome University (MyTown)
+ *Thesis title: Deep Learning Approaches to the Self-Awesomeness
+ Estimation Problem*
+: **BSc, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering**; University of
+ HomeTown (HomeTown)
+ *Minor: Awesomeology*
+**Your Most Recent Work Experience:**
+Short text containing the type of work done, results obtained,
+lessons learned and other remarks. Can also include lists and
+* First item
+* Item with [link]( Links will work both in
+ the html and pdf versions.
+**That Other Job You Had**
+Also with a short description.
+Technical Experience
+My Cool Side Project
+: For items which don't have a clear time ordering, a definition
+ list can be used to have named items.
+ * These items can also contain lists, but you need to mind the
+ indentation levels in the markdown source.
+ * Second item.
+Open Source
+: List open source contributions here, perhaps placing emphasis on
+ the project names, for example the **Linux Kernel**, where you
+ implemented multithreading over a long weekend, or **node.js**
+ (with [link]( which was actually totally
+ your idea...
+Programming Languages
+: **first-lang:** Here, we have an itemization, where we only want
+ to add descriptions to the first few items, but still want to
+ mention some others together at the end. A format that works well
+ here is a description list where the first few items have their
+ first word emphasized, and the last item contains the final few
+ emphasized terms. Notice the reasonably nice page break in the pdf
+ version, which wouldn't happen if we generated the pdf via html.
+: **second-lang:** Description of your experience with second-lang,
+ perhaps again including a [link] [ref], this time placing the url
+ reference elsewhere in the document to reduce clutter (see source
+ file).
+: **obscure-but-impressive-lang:** We both know this one's pushing
+ it.
+: Basic knowledge of **C**, **x86 assembly**, **forth**, **Common Lisp**
+Extra Section, Call it Whatever You Want
+* Human Languages:
+ * English (native speaker)
+ * ???
+ * This is what a nested list looks like.
+* Random tidbit
+* Other sort of impressive-sounding thing you did